Episode 8:

Today on Level Up Infection Prevention, Michelle Strange and India Chance are addressing vaccination and other precautions you should take for your personal wellness and safety!

Episode Highlights: 

The link between professional burnout and infection control Immunization recommendations  Operator Fatigue  Stay home if you are sick!  Ergonomics 



“If you are tired you increase the risks of hazards” 

“We are trying to stay on time and service everyone else but we forget about ourselves”

“When you think about what that does to the body over time, that is an issue” 

“You can’t have a functioning body without a functioning brain” 

“There is a percentage of people where the vaccine doesn’t work” 

“By coming to work sick you are creating an environment where you can get your patients sick, and your team sick” 

“You can take out a whole team so easily” 

“I get sick if I don't get enough sleep, and if I don’t do the activities that release stress… it builds up and surpasses my immune system” 

Resources and Links: 

OSHA: https://www.osha.gov

OSAP: https://www.osap.org 

Michelle Email: [email protected] 

India Email: [email protected]

A Tale of Two Hygienists: https://ataleoftwohygienists.com 

Learn to Prevent: https://www.learn2prevent.com