Episode 7: 

Today on Level Up Infection Prevention, Michelle Strange and India Chance are addressing product selection! This is super important and not as straightforward as you may think!

Episode Highlights: 

Products for Individual Team Members Products for Individual Ops/ Team Members  Safety of Products/ Product Selection  Who governs these products? What you need to know about labels



“Your product selection is going to be a very personal thing for your office, and your individual team members” 

“Equipment is expensive, we need to make sure we are taking care of it properly” 

“EPA is the only agency that will ARREST YOU” (yes, you read that correctly)

“You need to know your inactive ingredients, your active ingredients and you have to know your kill times” 

“You need to know if they are meant for cleaning, they need to have a surfactant to be used for cleaning surfaces”

“There is a difference between caution, warning and danger” 

“You can’t be jumping from product to product to product” 

“You really should be doing a cost and time analysis” 

Resources and Links: 

OSHA: https://www.osha.gov

OSAP: https://www.osap.org 

Michelle Email: [email protected] 

India Email: [email protected]

A Tale of Two Hygienists: https://ataleoftwohygienists.com 

Learn to Prevent: https://www.learn2prevent.com