Episode 4: 

Today on Your Infection Control Team Huddle Michelle Strange and India Chance are addressing op reprocessing. What to do when you come back to your op and need to turn it over. 

Episode Highlights: 

Operatory Reprocessing Timeline and Steps  Efficiency  Barriers  What can be done with Clean Hands Standard Operating Procedures 


“This isn’t just between patients, it's at the end of the day, and the beginning of the day as well” 

“I am way OCD to not set my trays up in the morning” 

“Before your patient, and after your patient, you should be running your air/water lines” 

“Train through it!”

“If astronauts are up in space doing all they do in their gear, you can process your op with utility gloves”

“If you feel like you may have touched anything with your infected gloves, you need to disinfect that surface” 

“Our brains want a pattern and a systematic process” 

“Don't let this be the last thing you hear about your op reprocessing, dive deeper!”

Resources and Links: 

OSHA: https://www.osha.gov

OSAP: https://www.osap.org 

Michelle Email: [email protected] 

India Email: [email protected]

A Tale of Two Hygienists: https://ataleoftwohygienists.com 

Learn to Prevent: https://www.learn2prevent.com