Episode Summary:
Disappointment bruises the bravest of souls. The nagging ache of uncertainty causes us to grow weary and afraid to hope. Doubt entices us to wonder if God is good when life is not. Yet, our hard questions can become opportunities for Jesus to show us who He is. But disappointments don’t have to define us and doubt doesn’t have to paralyze us. Join me with Angela Donadio as we talk about examples of doubt in the Bible and “is doubting God a sin?”

Quotables from the episode:

Disappointments don’t have to define us and doubt doesn’t have to paralyze us. At the root of doubt is unplaced expectations. In doubting God, we attach an “unless” to our faith. Instead, we need to say, “regardless…” Too often, we equate our circumstances with God’s justice. We cannot equate the injustices of life with the love of God. The enemy loves to isolate us when we’re struggling. But if we’re struggling with doubt, we need to move toward God. Our doubt is not a sin, but we can choose whether we allow it to pull us away from God or move us toward him. Fear, isolation, confusion, insecurity, comparison, and disappointment are barriers to us moving forward. God transforms our pain into purpose. It’s time to stop allowing our doubts to define, derail, and deconstruct our foundations of faith.


Scripture References:

John 14:5-7 Thomas said to him, “Lord, we don’t know where you are going, so how can we know the way?” Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. If you really know me, you will know[b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him.”  John 20:28-29 Thomas said to him, “My Lord and my God!”  Then Jesus told him, “Because you have seen me, you have believed; blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”  John 20:26 A week later his disciples were in the house again, and Thomas was with them. Though the doors were locked, Jesus came and stood among them and said, “Peace be with you!” 


Recommended Resources: 

Brave Enough to Believe: How the Life of Doubting Thomas Answers Our Hard Questions by Angela Donadio and Hubert Morris The Hem of His Garment: Reaching Out to God When Pain Overwhelms by Dr. Michelle Bengtson YouVersion 5-Day Devotional Reaching Out To God When Pain Overwhelms   Today is Going to be a Good Day: 90 Promises to Start Your Day Off Right by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the AWSA 2023 Inspirational Gift Book of the Year Award, the Christian Literary Awards Reader’s Choice Award in four categories, and the Christian Literary Awards Henri Award for Devotionals YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be a Good Day YouVersion 7-Day Devotional, Today is Going to be Another Good Day Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises by Dr. Michelle Bengtson Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Free Study Guide Free 7-Day YouVersion Bible Reading Plan for Breaking Anxiety’s Grip Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Hope Prevails Bible Study by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award Trusting God Through Cancer 1 Trusting God Through Cancer 2 Revive & Thrive Women's Conference Subdue Stress and Anxiety: Fifteen Experts Offer Comprehensive Tools in Ten Minutes a Day. Use my link plus discount code BENG99 to save $90 on course (course will be $99.) Free Download: How To Fight Fearful/Anxious Thoughts and Win


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Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson


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