Episode Summary:


In this episode Dr. Michelle Bengtson shares hope for depression. She talks about her history as a neuropsychologist, treating patients with depression for decades and thinking she was immune to it, before she endured a very bad episode of depression. She helps the listener who is asking the question, am I depressed? She discusses common signs and symptoms of depression to help the listener determine if depression might be something they or a loved one struggle with.


Dr. Bengtson combines her faith with her clinical practice. In this episode, she also shares some of the fundamental spiritual contributors to depression so that they can better understand what they are dealing with. Scripture tells us that “The thief comes only to steal, kill, and destroy, but I have come that they might have life and have it to the full” (John 10:10). When it comes to depression, the enemy steals our joy, kills our peace, and attempts to destroy our identity. In this episode, Dr. Bengtson unpacks how he does that because we can’t fight effectively unless we know what we’re fighting against.


Quotables from the episode:


There is help and hope for depression. By 2020, depression will be our greatest epidemic worldwide; greater than heart disease, cancer, and HIV put together. In their lifetime, one in four will suffer from depression. When it comes to depression, no one is immune. Not even the doctor, nor the Christian. Our feelings are just the outward manifestation of the thoughts we believe. We can’t fight effectively unless we know what we’re fighting against. If you or a loved one are struggling with depression, you are not alone. There is help and hope!



Recommended Resources:


“Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal Journey Through Depression” by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award “Hope Prevails Bible Study” by Dr. Michelle Bengtson, winner of the Christian Literary Award Reader’s Choice Award. https://drmichellebengtson.com/hope-prevails-despite-depression/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/a-letter-to-one-struggling-with-depression/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/this-thing-called-depression-signs-and-symptoms/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/how-do-i-know-if-im-depressed-common-symptoms-of-depression/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/10-verses-of-hope-for-when-you-are-down-or-depressed/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/20-ways-to-fight-depression/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/can-i-be-cured-of-depression/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/10-things-to-know-if-you-have-a-depressed-loved-one/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/how-to-help-a-depressed-loved-one/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/what-to-say-when-a-loved-one-is-depressed/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/what-not-to-say-when-a-loved-one-is-depressed/ https://drmichellebengtson.com/15-ways-to-help-depressed-husband-wife/


Social Media Links for Host and Guest:


For more hope, stay connected with Dr. Bengtson at:


To order Hope Prevails: https://drmichellebengtson.com/hope-prevails-book/ Website: https://drmichellebengtson.com/ Blog: https://drmichellebengtson.com/blog/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DrMichelleBengtson Twitter: https://twitter.com/DrMBengtson (@DrMBengtson) LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/drmichellebengtson/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/drmichellebengtson/ Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/drbhopeprevails/ YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MichelleBengtson Radio Show Host: http://graceandtruthradio.world/shows/your-hope-filled-perspective/


Air Date: April 15, 2019


Guest: Dr. Michelle Bengtson, Board Certified Clinical Neuropsychologist, Author, International Speaker

Hosted By: Dr. Michelle Bengtson

Audio Technical Support: Bryce Bengtson

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