Nope. We're not in Kansas any more Toto - we're in Real Estate! Now it's time to find out what's more dangerous - the WIcked Witch of the West or Your House. To do that, you need a home inspection...

"I'm ALREADY paying for an appraisal - now you say I should pay for a Home Inspection?!?!" Welllll...after you listen to this this recorded interview with Kimberly St. Louis, a Certified Home Inspector with A-Pro Home Inspections (a-pro.net/madison), you may want to spring for it!

Kimberly talks to The Mortgage Experts about just what an inspection is, who benefits from it, and discusses the powerful information contained in the report. Whether you are buying a brand new yellow brick home or live in a century-old castle (flying monkeys and all), Kimberly says a home inspection might save you thousands of dollars and even uncover health and safety hazards (a little fire, Scarecrow?).
Don't worry, Bill Quigley and Art Blanchet will get you all the info you need, and It won't cost you a tin', man.