Maree Jane Duffy joins Denise Joy Thompson, host of Your Global Voice -- Voices of Women, to discuss the importance of accepting and embracing who she, who we, really are. Maree Jane realizes as a child, a part of herself was hidden. Hidden by how adults taught her to be; hidden by not being allowed to truly live her gift. Maree Jane shares how she fully embraces her gifts and talents and she helps others to do so.

Maree identifies herself as a multi-potentialite, many different gifts which she blends into one. She is am a Spiritual Entrepreneur & Intuitive Healer, Transformational Life Coach & speaker, a Certified Nutritional Health Coach, plus she is putting pen to paper as a book is being produced! Maree has produced & presented her own Holistic radio show, “Mindful Moments with Maree” and she also works in the media as an Actress plus a few other little gems.

Being a Natural Born Medium/Healer was quite difficult for Maree to accept as a child, as she felt so outside the circle and did not want to accept this. It was not until a serious accident which left her for dead, when she woke up not in this world, but in spirit the light went off inside of her when she returned. Still the transition back to her life was a little difficult so she went travelling to discover and work with some amazing Healers and teachers over the years. What she truly learned is the best teacher we have can be ourselves, by learning from our lessons and never stop asking questions.

Maree’s mission for clients is to Boost Confidence, Boost Self-esteem and guide them with their goal for a better future. Maree is the one if you are looking for an experienced working coach for the past 18years + to help you:

Love yourself & Your Life
-- Release Emotional Baggage which is blocking you from moving forward
-- Become Confident in every way
-- Overcome fear by learning to trust yourself and others
-- Release Anger/Pain from past & present relationships
-- Release limiting Beliefs
-- Become More Empowered & Confident

Maree’s current project is to move into the online arena as she has always gathered clients by referral (word of mouth). Her goal is to reach out and help as many people as possible beyond her current clients in Spain, Austria, UK & America.