Denise Joy, host of Your Global Voice -- Voices of Women, is joined by Showleh Tolbert. This episode is part of the March 2018 celebration and honor of women in recognition of Women's History Month and International Women's Day. Showleh Tolbert was born in Iran, raised in England and moved to US at 19. She is the founder of Success Coach, LLC, an international Training & Coaching Academy. Showleh shares how her "voice" at a young age was not acceptable in Iran. Showleh knew she wanted gender equality when she saw boys her age playing and having opportunities she did not have. Showleh remembers being told to be "quiet" and not be "seen" in public. Showleh continued voicing her truth when working in the non-profit and corporate worlds. Showleh continues to be a lead and empower women in her own business. Showleh is an excellent example of forging ahead regardless of barriers and living outside of the "lines". Showleh exemplifies how women can create change. When women #pressforprogress, the 2018 International Women's Day theme, the world wins!!

The legacy Showleh would like to live, and leave behind, is that she made a difference.

Connect with Showleh at, on FB at Showleh Tolbert or call 949-208-2345.

Connect with Denise Joy at and