Your Global Voice -- Voices of Women with host Denise Joy Thompson features Avianne on March 17 in celebration and honor of women around the world. Avianne shares part of her story in growing up in South Africa during apartheid. She remembers the culture and government being very controlling and not supportive of individual freedoms. Avianne discusses how her love of art and being creative was not encouraged. Avianne initially was not respected as an artist because she was a "girl" until the quality of her work was recognized and overshadowed the fact she was female. Avianne discusses how much she loves living in the US and truly sees America as the land of opportunity.

For 11 years Avianne has been a Creative Force in the USA (before that she owned her own Fine Art business in South Africa). Her first American job, fresh from Africa, was to dress mannequins as a visual trimmer for Macy’s in the men’s department. Sometimes she would be way too creative for her manager’s liking, but she always knew that she wanted to live her potential and that dressing mannequins were not her ultimate destiny.

In 2009 Avianne officially started her first art based business in the San Francisco Bay area. She started selling art and teaching art classes, soon to realize just how profound it is that each of us carries within us a “Creative Force” that is meant to direct us toward achieving our full human potential in any aspect of our lives. Avianne has lived this and breathed this, now expanding her businesses and mentoring many others to live from their own creative force. She sells her art to high-end clients and owns her own Art Academy, based in 2 local locations, expanding constantly.

Avianne does not believe in excuses, complaining or drama. She believes in excellence, human potential and creative brilliance. There is no problem that cannot be solved when we know who we are and what we are capable of. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Fine Art from a distinguished University in South Africa and she has won numerous awards for her art, internationally. Avianne has even been on HGTV and Food Network in a reality show where she was voted by the Hollywood judges as being the “it-girl” in scenic art. If a girl from Africa can rock it, so can you. No excuses. Let’s fly!

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