Season 2 Episode #15 - Finding your WHY and learning to love yourself with Leslie Davis


In this podcast, Anna is with Leslie Davis, a 5-time author. Her first book, “You Can’t Eat Love: How learning to love yourself can change your relationship with food” is in the Amazon top 20 in at least 2 categories since it was released in January. 


Like so many, it took a moment of extreme sadness for Leslie to realize something had to change. She had to lose herself and even lose her relationship with her oldest son. She had choices to make considering she had children to start with. 


Then, she began on a journey to fix what she thought was broken. That was when she discovered the ‘myself-sized’ hole in her heart and realized she was not broken, just uninformed. She did not know how to love herself. Now, Leslie is on a mission to help others find their WHY to go on any journey of self-discovery, introduce them to their very best friend in the whole wide world, learn to love themselves, and live their best life. 


Let’s find out how grateful Leslie is when she gets the crystal clear insight on why she has to win her journey and stop enduring the pain!


They also talked about:


02:45  How her book inspires and help other people

06:19  What’s her wake-up call

08:15  What’s the first step to do in getting into the journey

10:05  Know more about her book “You can’t eat love”

18:05  What is she working on right now

24:43  What freedom meant to her


Leslie also taught us that reminding your best friend how we love them can make a difference and that best friend is yourself! 



“You have to make a decision, you’re either gonna continue going in the direction you’re going or  you’re going to get control of your life.”


“You needed to do something to get out to save your life.”


“I was hiding and trying to stop the pain.”


“Don’t wait until you’re asking God not to let you wake up for another day. Stop and do something now!”


“You are your most precious possession.”


“Freedom to me is accepting the only person I can do anything about is me. Releasing my expectation of being able to control anyone else or allowing anyone else to have control over me was so liberating. Eliminating the simple phrase of "you (he, she) made me sad was huge. Discovering the only thing anyone can make me is reservations for dinner was life-changing. Keeping my power!”


“I have the power to make a choice!”


Leslie Davis


Check out Leslie Davis social media accounts


Email: [email protected]




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