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🀩 This interview with Sabrina, we talked about how to get over your fear of putting yourself out there, and sharing your story on a podcast!

Find the shownotes here!

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Here’s a special freebie from Sabrina!

Be a podcast guest cheat-sheet Guide
A 10-page guide to be the perfect guest and get booked on podcasts as the expert in your field. Includes my secret reach-out formula. (It works to get guests if you already have a podcast!)


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πŸ€“ Sabrina is a former fashion/beauty marketing & PR expert turned entrepreneur. She's overcome bullying, self-esteem issues & lack of confidence and has made her mess become her message.

She fell in love with podcasting when she started Pretty Sure Podcast, and now coaches other millennial entrepreneurs on how to take their story and create podcasts that impact lives and grow their businesses.

😍 Follow Sarbina

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