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🤩 In this interview with Kathryn, we are going to look at the biggest obstacles that entrepreneurs face when creating content, and the 3 key components to help them overcome these hurdles so that they can reach the 'right' audience and make a bigger impact.

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6-Step Framework for Writing Captivating Content that Converts, This framework will help you communicate the value of what you offer to the 'right' audience so that you can create the income and impact you desire.

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Kathryn Thompson is an award-winning marketing and communications expert with more than 15 years of experience. She graduated with a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Saskatchewan and a Master of Arts in Professional Communication from Royal Roads University.

After many years working in Saskatchewan for private and public sector organizations, Kathryn branched out and started her own business consultancy firm, Creatively Owned. It's a firm dedicated to helping entrepreneurs launch their ideas, and create compelling content that attracts their ideal audience.

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