I'm impressed by Erica VanEaton's ability to hold a safe space, by her fine-tuned intuitive gifts and her ability to channel the needed healing codes. She shares about Ascension, healing those parts of us residing in lower dimensional realms, and shifting to timelines where we hold higher frequencies. You'll learn about the Body Consciousness, and how to take care of our physical body so it holds higher frequencies and ascend with the spiritual body with more grace and ease. She also talks about the children on the spectrum (with autism), why they experience some physical challenges (from an energetic perspective), and their important role in Humanity's ascension journey. She also performed a powerful guided activation with Light Language to upgrade the root chakra! Erica's website: EricaVanEaton.com Join the LIVE sessions: YourDivineUniqueness.com Our Special Programs & Offers: YourDivineUniqueness.com/specialoffers Erica is an intuitive energy healer that uses multidimensional techniques to heal the whole person from a mind, body, soul perspective. By integrating sound, light, and playing within the quantum filed of realities she is able to pull together those aspects of her clients that have not been realized or fully integrated. This approaches allows for a being to heal on all levels of being down to the level of the DNA and beyond. This integrative approach also allows for those on the Autism spectrum to heal and be seen sometimes for the first time. Erica helps those with Autism understand themselves be understood on a soul level. Erica teaches her clients how to communicate on a soul level with these beautiful beings helping all to be completely seen and heard.