Gabrielle Spencer is an internationally known multi-dimensional channel and soul healer. She accesses the origins of your disconnections from your highest vibration and is the conduit for providing the harmonizing frequencies needed to bring you into soul level wholeness and abundance. In this episode, she shares about stabilizing our energetic field when the energies feel more intense, and when we find ourselves still stressful, depressed and separate, even though we've been clearing this for so long. Gabrielle brought so much clarity and healing to important subjects such as: creating in the 3D as we are progressing into the 5D, releasing the burden of always being positive, why we still feel stuck, even though we know the tools, dealing with the dense emotions, feeling lonely in the healing journey, healing and awakening from the illusion, ourselves and our family, and the society as large, The Golden Ray, and the higher energetic opening helping us to heal at multidimensional frequencies to reach our full potential. Find Gabrielle and get your "Prosperity Through Forgiveness" gift: Join the LIVE sessions: