Kimberly Marooney shares about her recent journey to connect to her Angel Light Body and Master Self, and guides you on how you can live and create from that state of connection... and how to go beyond those spots where you feel stuck to finally step into a more active phase of co-creating with Spirit and experiencing Spirit.You'll learn about:The new team of angelsPractices to easily activate your Angel Light Body and connect with your angels teamHealing natural feelings such us overwhelm, sadness, loss and grief...How you can receive your angels guidance and healing. Kimberly's story of loosing her mother, as a reminder of our Eternal Self and the love that is always available for us from angels and loved ones.Receive guided angel healing, through the golden incarnation disk activation upgrade, to change contracts, and upgrade all your energy systems, helping you to fully access your Master Self.Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney has a new book! The Little Book of Angel Healing: First Aid from the Heavenly Realms is out! When angels want a new energy on earth, they go to Kimberly. Her beloved Angel Blessings Cards are the best example, having touched hundreds of thousands of readers. Kimberly is the founder of, and President of Gateway.University, a School for the Study of Higher Consciousness. Kimberly joyously shares the love, healing, and blessings of the angels internationally. She lives in the Port of Angels! Of course.Find Dr. Kimberly: KimberlyMarooney.comJoin the LIVE sessions: