February 2019 has been a crucial month in the history of my life, crucial for my future and for everything God has for me. This last week of the month is critically important to seal the work that has already been done. I’m therefore asking for you to agree with me in prayer.

This month was so important that I had to get my mind and spirit right, and I did so by (a) shutting down all my social media (except LinkedIn) and (b) creating a playlist that reflects my heart and mind during this season of my life and what I need(ed) God to do for me this month. This is the music I’ve been listening to throughout this month; you should hear a theme emerge. If you’re praying with me, I invite you to follow along with me and add the playlist to your library. I pray it blesses you.

I also discussed how creating playlists on your music service of choice and be a highly effective content play for your ministry.


“No Choice But Victory” Playlist
Spotify: https://cylar.me/2GJ5cGy
Apple Music: https://cylar.me/2NoCPOl