Digital is uniquely:
1 - Personal (can create 1 to 1 impact out of 1 to many encounters)
2 - Ubiquitous (can experience the event anywhere)
3 - Shareable (can send a link and allow others to tap in)
4 - Asynchronous (can consume in your own time)
5 - Passive (can engage even while doing other things)
6 - Collaborative (can see the thoughts of others you ordinarily may not know in person)

Let’s talk about this! Holler at me and let me know your thoughts. Because of #COVID_19, digital only is going to be our new norm for a while, so I want to take the lead on how we need to be thinking about digital so we can reach more people with the gospel of Jesus Christ.

[I’ll be adding to these show notes with links to the aforementioned content from Brian Fanzo when I get a chance to circle back to it.]

Need communications help? Holler at me:

[actually, DM me for the time being...all my websites got hacked 😩]