Previous Episode: Hearts of Stone - Audio
Next Episode: Crying Stones - Audio

Rev. Kendra Lovelace Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross
Music Ministry: Pic-A-Longs

Prelude - Celtic Hymn (Hans-Andre' Stamm) - James Ross, organ
Be Thou My Vision - Pic-A-Longs


*Call to Worship
Leader: Lenten travelers, how long have you traveled this road with your gaze pointed down at the dust and gravel and asphalt as you walk or limp or roll down the path?
People: Sometimes it is easier to look at the road than at the people who share the journey with us.
Leader: Lift up your heads! Look, listen, reach out a hand. Who are your neighbors on this road?
People: We lift our heads and look to our Savior who journeys with us and helps us notice our neighbors all around us.
Leader: This is the Lenten journey—to learn to love God and love our neighbors just as Jesus showed us.
People: Our journey teaches us to lose our lives to God as we find and follow Christ in our service to others.
Leader: Come, let us worship God who caravans with us on this road to the cross.
People: Come, let us worship! Amen.

*Opening Hymn "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" #110

*Prayer of Confession
Leader: Come let us turn to our God, who is gracious and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.

Let us pray.
People: Love that knows no boundaries: we crowd our lives with so much activity that it is hard to find time for you. We become so focused on ourselves, we can overlook those around us who are searching for hope. We fill our spiritual emptiness with junk, rather than feasting on your Word. Abundant Mercy, forgive us. Open our eyes, that we may see your new covenant written in plain sight on our hearts. Open our hearts, that we may join you in serving the broken of the world. Open our love, so we may pour it out as abundantly and graciously as your love is given to us in Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

Words of Assurance
Leader: In love, God sent Jesus to bless and redeem God’s people. God forgives us our sins and restores us to new life. Let us rejoice in God’s mercy.
All: Amen!

Psalter 51 #785-786 with Sung Response 2

Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Music Ministry and Offertory - St. Patrick's Breastplate - Pic-A-Longs

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture Matthew 16:13-20

Sermon Series “Journey of Stones”
Sermon: “Upon This Rock”

Laying Stones at the Foot of the Cross

Hymn “Rock of Ages, Cleft for Me” #361


Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn "How Firm a Foundation" #529

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - The Old Rugged Cross (Benton Price)

The flowers on the altar today are given to the glory of God and in loving memory of Ashley Malec by Darlene and Jim Ross.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website ( and/or by following us on Facebook (Stone UMC). If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card in the pew, on the website, share them by contacting us at 814-724-6736 or [email protected]