Rev. Kendra Lovelace Balliet
Organist: Jim Ross

Prelude - Solemn Prelude- Charles Callahan


*Call to Worship
Leader: Lenten travelers, when you feel the security of God’s love, affirmation of God’s call, and covered in God’s grace…
People: God comes near.
Leader: When you feel deserted and alone, starving and parched for a caring hand or an encouraging word, troubled and uncertain as the ground under you shifts like sand…
People: God comes near.
Leader: When you feel emboldened to act, inspired to speak, energized to live as bearers of the good news that the Kingdom of God is here…
People: God comes near.
Leader: In all seasons of our lives, God comes near to us and does not forsake us.
People: We gather to come near to God whose ever-present love remains near no matter where our journey takes us. Amen.

*Opening Hymn "Lord, Who Throughout These Forty Days" #269

*Unison Prayer
O God our deliverer, you led your people of old through the wilderness and brought them to the promised land. Guide now the people of your church, that, following our Savior, we may walk through the wilderness of this world toward the glory of the world to come; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, One God, now and forever. Amen.

Profession of Faith: The World Methodist Social Affirmation #886
Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Offertory-Choral Prelude on "Liebster Jesu"- Robert Grahm

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude

Scripture Exodus 32: 1-24
Sermon Series “Journey of Stones”
Sermon: “Written in Stone”

Hymn "Just as I Am Without One Plea" #357
Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer

Closing Hymn “Take My Life, and Let It Be” #399

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - -Fugue Sur Les Jeux D'Anches-Francis Couperin

The flowers on the altar today are given by Anne Finney in loving memory of her sister Sandy Odell Roiz and in honor of those who share her birthday, February 21 - Rev. Sarah Roncolato, Jen Royer and Ijenna.

Thank you for sharing in this worship service. Please continue to stay in touch through our website ( and/or by following us on Facebook (Stone UMC). If you have joys or concerns that you would like lifted up in prayer, please fill out the Prayer Card in the pew, on the website, share them by contacting us at 814-724-6736 or [email protected]