Rev. Kendra Balliet
Organist: James Ross

Prelude - Meditation on Just As I Am-Elizabeth A. Krouse

Gathering at the Gate


*Call to Worship
Leader: They were on the road to Emmaus…
People: We travel so many roads, so many journeys in this life,
sometimes traveling towards, sometimes away from, a life of freedom.
Leader: Jesus came and fell into step with them, but they did not recognize him…
People: We are sometimes so overwhelmed with the struggles of this world
that we can’t see the Companion that walks alongside us.
Leader: Jesus asked them what they were talking about…
People: We have recited our stories of pain so often that we can’t imagine
there are other ways to interpret events, to get past the regret.
Leader: They explained the horror of the recent past,
about their friend who was crucified
and their disappointment at dreams of liberation dashed…
People: We so often think we’ve hit the end of the road,
the finale of the story, with nothing left to say.
Leader: Then Jesus began to tell the story as a bigger picture…
People: We sometimes perceive only the parts that feel insurmountable
without zooming out to notice the larger narrative of hope.
Leader: They invited Jesus to dinner after such a long walk…
People: We actually know how to reach for help,
even when we don’t realize we need it.
Leader: Jesus took the bread, blessed, broke and gave it to them…
People: We are capable of having our eyes opened
to the presence of Love in our midst.
Leader: Jesus vanished from the room as quickly as he had appeared on the road
but they were left with the awe and wonder of having their hearts transformed…
All: We open to the possibility that nothing is closed,
that our hearts can be opened anytime, anywhere,
and resurrection from death-dealing forces is possible.
Leader: This is a Word of Hope for the people who long for it.
All: Thanks be to the Living Word.

*Opening Hymn "Easter People, Raise Your Voices” #304

*Opening Prayer
God of abundance, We are thankful for the beauty all around us. Weave us together in a life full of goodness and joy. Help us to move in harmony with one another and with all Creation. Let us travel on your path toward release in your presence. Amen.

Confession of Faith: Apostles Creed #881

Gloria Patri

Children's Chat

Music Ministry and Offertory - Breathe on Me Breath of God- Daniel Burton

Doxology and Prayer of Gratitude Proclaiming Freedom

Scripture Luke 24:13-32

Sermon Series “Resurrection Stories”
Sermon: “Freed”

Responding to Freedom


Hymn "Abide with Me" #700

Pastoral Prayer/Lord's Prayer


Closing Hymn “I Love to Tell the Story” #156
Verse 5: The Savior of our stories
has brought his peace to you;
now go and tell the story,
for others need it too.
To ev'ry one who’s hurting
ring out the gospel call;
proclaim that Christ is risen
and grants his peace to all.

Unlocking Freedom

Action Steps & Benediction

Postlude - Variation on How Firm a Foundation-Donna Robertson

The flowers on the altar today are given in loving memory of James D. Turnbull on his 44th heavenly birthday by his parents Carolyn & Jim Turnbull.

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