Your ability to communicate Chiropractic to your patients is the SINGLE most crucial skill you need to master.

And the most critical time that this skill needs to SHINE is at the Report of Findings (ROF).

This is the moment where your explanation and recommendations need to LAND in a way that patients understand.

Now that you know this is the most critical moment - how much time have you spent in your professional career MASTERING this moment?

More time than you spend on trying to get NPs?
More time than trying to run marketing campaigns?
More time than you do spend on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram or Netflix?

From thousands of ROF I have done, and coached chiropractors on... these are the 3 BIGGEST mistakes that you and I have made at one point or another…

1. Preach vs. Teach
2. Tell Long Sell Short
3. Robotic Prescription


Check out the Full Video Version of this episode on Facebook and Youtube.