LinkedIn is not only the place to be, it's the new resume and a great way to network with literally anyone in the world. Using LinkedIn when you are ready to start looking for a new job is too late. It’s time to drop the excuses of not having enough time, not knowing what to write, and not wanting to talk about yourself and finally update your profile. Start networking with real people and discover companies that you want to work for by updating your profile and making it searchable by recruiters. Whether you’re a 9-5’r considering a new job or an entrepreneur looking for clients, partnerships or speaking opportunities, it’s time to build your personal brand on LinkedIn.

Thought leaders get hired, so it’s time to showcase your expertise!

What we’re talking about

Why I Love LinkedIn You Should Be Using LinkedIn All The Time Updating Your LinkedIn Profile

Connect with Jena on LinkedIn.

Check out the full show notes, here.