Being a careerwoman and single is a topic that connects with me both professionally and personally – and I think it may for many of you too. I am thrilled to have Yelena Bosovik on this episode with me to talk about being single and rocking the career world. 

Yelena is a tax lawyer, author, magazine founder and editor in chief. She is involved in her church, mentoring young women, and is an inspiring woman all around! She moved from one of the big 4 accounting firms to a smaller firm recently. She’s the oldest of 10 (wow!) and has many siblings who are engaged and married. Plus she’s from a small immigrant community. She is a phenomenal woman who is rocking a different path than many from her growing up community, and she’s done so as a courageous pioneer. We talk about that journey and what it’s been like to be single along the way. 


What We’re Talking About 

Navigating your career and singleness Where your identity intersects with your work  How to think toward your legacy today


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