Marco  Fernandes, Owner and  Vice President of Sagres Vacations a tour company that provides customized and destination specialist for Portugal and Spain experiences.. Sagres is famous for the school of Navigation built by Prince Henry the Navigator..

WE will also talk about the trends that have emerged in 2017 like the millennials being the largest traveling population, adventure and active travel, responsible travel and more..

Plus I’ll be announcing some our trips of the week..YBLB will hosting several trips around the globe next year so we will discuss those give you a little detail and you can find the rest on YBLB Facebook webpage under group travel.. The Danube River Cruise, Gambling Bus, Everyone can go Winter Cruise, etc.

Plus our travel tech options-Accessories, for the week are brought to you by The Wireless Traveler Telecom Thursday

Karen Duncan CTC, DS, CATP

[email protected]