Your Bucket List Buster hosts Joel Ryan of Beaches Resorts


Joel Ryan the Group Director of Kids Programming & Entertainment  for Beaches Resorts the family friendly arm of Sandals/Unique Vacations discusses the inclusion camps for all children visiting with their parents in Jamaica, and Turks and Caicos in the Caribbean.  Beaches is known as all-inclusive and they have just certified many of their camp counselors with the International Board of  Credentialing and Continuing Education Standards, with a Autism Certificate..The plan is to have as many employees at the resort certified as possible, 100% by 2019.

The accreditation ensures all of the kids camp and team members have the requisite knowledge, skills, temperament, and expertise to cater to all children.  The training addresses:

Sensory Awareness Competency

Motor Skill Competency

Autism Awareness

Program Development

Enviroment Competency and more

Host Karen Duncan also addresses additional resorts that cater to families and what type of vacations are best suited based on the challenges of children with special needs, such as Epilepsy, Down syndrome, and mobility accessibility.

Karen during her thoughts for the day lets us in on her passion a non-profit she started last September Adventures with Autism, Down syndrome, and Epilepsy in detail..She describes the need, the mission, and the upcoming benefits, fundraising, and needs of the organization.

Let's show some love to our Caregivers who provide endless love and support for our kiddos with special challenges by providing them a wish of rest, relaxation, rejuvenation, and reconnection on a respite vacation for the whole family!

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