The title says it all.

The “bitching month” blueprint: Review your list of goals. Is there anything you can tick off? Anything that’s no longer relevant? Anything that needs tweaking? Take a look at your daily productivity process. Are you staying focused? How are you managing your tasks? Is there anything that seems to be falling through the gaps? Do you feel good as you work? Do you need a new app or project management system? Note down your struggles. Is there a skill you’re lacking? Is there something you find particularly boring, or time-consuming, or difficult? Think about where you can either outsource or learn. Analyse your daily routines, specifically: morning, break time, end of work day, end of day day. What really works for you? What doesn’t? What would make you feel better? Clear your desktops, both physical and digital. Tackle your inbox. Follow up on anything outstanding, delete anything no longer needed, archive anything you may want to refer back to later. Track the money stuff. Send any invoices that go out manually. Chase anyone who hasn’t paid. Log your incomings and outgoings. Set your intentions for the month ahead and then identify something you can do to make those things happen. (Note: I like to have a “feeling” intention and a “money” intention, but that’s just me.) --------------------

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