I'm giving you permission to LOUNGE.

Yep, no more worrying that your acts of self-care aren't glittery or Instagrammable enough - this week we're talking about the importance of embracing the things that feeeeel good!

10 wildly refuelling acts of self-care to get you started: Dive into a big bowl of cheesy pasta. Give yourself a pedicure (yes this DOES count because NOBODY should be taking pictures of their feet. Wear your comfiest, most threadbare PJs and snuggle up with the dogs. Go for a long walk somewhere filled with nature… with no signal or internet access. Take a long, hot shower. Dig out a little area of your garden and plant some fun things. Ok, this one might become Instagram-worthy, but right now it’ll just look like mud. Laugh along to a workout video from the early ’90s (my vote goes to Cher’s, she’s just fabulous) Lose a few hours on The Sims Create a fun new playlist and dance around the room like nobody’s watching… because nobody is. Binge watch some reality TV. Without any shame or guilt.


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For the full show notes, including all the links mentioned in this episode, go here >> http://dairepaddy.com/episode45


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