Welcome to Episode 2.20 of Your Biz, Your Rules. In this show I'm going to be sharing some of my best time-saving tips for the business obsessed, because, well, that's me, and I'm not ashamed of that. I AM obsessed with my business. I'm invested. I'm committed.

Your Challenge:

For this week's action step I want you to choose one of the tips from this episode and start implementing it today. Bonus points if you come and share it with me on Instagram.

Next week, I'm going to be sharing a whole bunch of ways you can celebrate your birthday as a business owner, so I'll meet you back here for that! See you then.

-------------------- Join me on Instagram here:  https://www.instagram.com/dairepaddy/ Sign up for my weekly (ish) jolts of genius here: http://dairepaddy.com/ -------------------- For the full show notes, including all the links mentioned in this episode, go here >> http://dairepaddy.com/episode220 -------------------- If you enjoyed this episode I'd love it if you could: a) Share your favourite moment, takeaway, or place to listen in your Instagram Stories, tagging me (@dairepaddy) b) Hop over to iTunes and leave me an honest review.