In this episode we are exploring more of the dynamics that govern labor and birth nurses.  Special guests Paula Richards of NurseBrownGirl & Mandy Irby of The Birth Nurse join Maggie to breakdown some of the challenges we face in the day to day reality of delivering perinatal care that does not always match up with the impact we want to have as nurses.

We discuss:
~What it means for us to hold space...and how we found our way there
~Discrepancy between vision, training, and practice
~How productivity and outcomes are valued over patient experience
~Role of mentors in questioning the status quo
~The repercussions of centering pathology instead of physiology in OB nursing
~How nursing power is subverted
~Our vision for learning to harness nursing power to amplify the power of birthing people

We also introduce the new Trauma-Informed Birth Nurse Program, which is a deep-dive into how perinatal nurses can show up better for all of their patients by grounding their everyday practice in trauma-informed care.  Find out more about the program and its first offering starting October 20th.

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