As Supernatural begins its 15th and final season, we talk to Dr. Lynn Zuburnis, a clinical psychologist and professor at West Chester University and longtime Supernatural fangirl. Lynn discusses with us how she has found balance between her academic and psychological roles with those of her fangirl and personal ones. With her collaborator Dr. Katherine Larsen, they have published four books fusing academia and fandom, Fangasm: Supernatural Fangirls, Fan Phenomena: Supernatural, Fandom at the Crossroads and Fan Culture: Theory/Practice. Her latest book delves deeper into the Supernatural fandom with Family Don’t End with Blood: Cast and Fans on How Supernatural Has Changed Lives, an anthology of essays that’s a love letter to the show, written by its cast and fans. We celebrate and examine 15 years of the Supernatural fandom, from the significance of the fans to the show’s longevity and how it may evolve when it ends.

Where to find Lynn:
Twitter: @FangasmSPN
Facebook: @FangasmSPN
Instagram: @FangasmSPN
Fangasm, The Book:
Family Don’t End With Blood: