Previous Episode: It's The Environment, Stupid
Next Episode: In The Zone

In this week’s episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy, and Darci Williams, Certified Executive Level Life and Leadership Coach, discuss the challenge of thinking “I’ll be happy when…” and how to pursue your goals with a healthy mindset.

- Destination addiction occurs when we get hyperfocused on what’s on the horizon, losing sight of what is right in front of us.
- Embrace all of the ups and downs along your journey of pursuing your goals.
- Happiness is a choice! We get to decide today how we are going to live life tomorrow.
- We don’t have control over some things that will happen in life, but we can contol how you react to them.
- Change your fixed mindset to a growth mindset.
- The power of "yet" reminds us that we get to learn something today, and evolve into a different person tomorrow.
- Everytime you say, “I don’t know how to do this," remember to add the word "yet."

- “Beware of destination addiction.”
- “Until you give up this idea that happiness is somewhere else, it will never be where you are. ”
- “Let go of the notion that your happiness is at a point in the future.”
- “You are the author of your book of life, and you own the pen.”

Resources Mentioned:
You can reach out to Darci for more help and support on on your journey at or email at [email protected]