Previous Episode: Reshaping Your Vision

In this episode, Chief Victory Officer Eric Guy talks about having an inner circle of trusted friends. He breaks down the qualities you should look for in a close friend, and ways that you can be a better friend to others.

Key Takeaways:

You need an inner circle of trusted friends to build you up when you are down, and to ground you when you are about to make a mistake.Your close friends will have your confidence, and you will have theirs. Trust is essential to a good relationship.You should respect the values and opinions of your closest friends, or it will be difficult to trust them.


"Who you surround yourself with is going to affect you on a fundamental human level, both professionally and personally.""Not every friendship is forever.""A true friend will not try to create a wedge between you and anybody else.""It's hard to do things with people and be around people you don't respect."