Previous Episode: Live From Vision Day 2024
Next Episode: Against All Odds

In this week’s podcast episode, Chief Victory Officer, Eric Guy,  is joined by Elsa Martin, a Certified Advanced Clinical Weight Loss practitioner. Discover practical tips for achieving your healthiest self and unlocking the secrets to motivating positive change.

- Transform your life with a simple step: Eliminate sugar. It’s shockingly 10x more addictive than cocaine.
- Steer clear of seemingly “healthy” convenience foods. Unmask the marketing hype and make informed choices for your well-being.
- If you can’t recognize an ingredient, your body won’t either.
- If you want to make changes, find your motivator.
- Treat food as your fuel; shift your mindset towards cultivating nourishing habits that sustain your well-being.
- Sustainability matters! Opt for choices that align with your, and your family’s, long-term health goals.
- Don’t allow stress to derail your healthy habits and sap your energy.

- “Slay the sugar dragon.”
- “If you don’t recognize an ingredient when you’re reading it, your body isn’t going to either.”