Tracking down the contact info for playlist curators, blog writers, and other promotion avenues can be hard and time consuming work: but there is a service out there that aims to help you with that!

Enter: - a website that connects you to the above described providers in an effort to get your music where you want it.

But the big questions remain: does it work? Is it worth the expense? Is it a scam?

Well I feel we can say pretty certainly that it is not a scam, and we've got some great information for you on the other questions as well!

In this episode we draw from the experience of Marcus Manhas as he used the service to promote his own music project, to some pretty fantastic results.

This is a case study of Marcus's experience with the platform, and it should be noted that this by no means guarantees the same results for yourself.

Also - this is not a paid, or even asked for, promotion for SubmitHub. It's just something we wanted to do since we thought it would help our audience! (Side note, none of our guests have ever paid to be on our show! Just straight up good folks coming on and teaching what they know)!

If you enjoy this episode, please share it with your friends and tag us on instagram!


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Stuff We Use / Affiliate Links:

Distrokid (our recommended music distribution service)

Close.IO (Malcoms recommended CRM)

Transistor.FM (A great podcast hosting platform)

BackBlaze File Backup Services (Malcoms recommend data backup service)

Printful - Print-To-Order Merchandise Service

Canva (what we use for graphic design)

Quickbooks Accounting Software (What we use to run our books and process credit card payments)

SquareSpace Websites

Malcom started a DIY Recording Youtube Channel and you should go subscribe and check out the videos! You can check it out here:

And Marcus is killing it on the road with multiple bands! Keep up to date with him via his website, here:

As always, we love hearing from our listeners! Hit us up on our instagrams!

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