The aunties are back today live on Youtube and FB with episode 95 (only 5 to go till the 100th episode💃)

On this episode the aunties will discuss:

- Rih Rih broke the internet yesterday with pictures of her baby bump, walking hand in hand with hubby ASAP Rocky...(Did you lot see those Drake memes?🤣😂)

-News broke out that Russia is looking to take over Ukraine to maintain their power/influence over the nation. But the Ukrainian government is saying that the threat isn't what Western news outlets are making it out to be

-Janet Jason's documentary 'Discipline' aired over the weekend which also talks about her childhood and in particular her father's style of discipline

-Joe Rogan is in hot water again after an anti-vax guest made false comments about the COVID vaccine and Spotify's shares dropped by 3billion as a result.

Don't forget to follow the aunties @loveyaayaa @farrforce @thebritishblacklist @sadesalami