On the show today, we have producer, engineer, audio programmer, and author, Peter Dowsett.

I met Peter because we were both doing Graham Cochrane’s Six Figure Coaching course (which I have some opinions on but I’ll get into that more in the interview) so it was great catching up with him again.

Peter is also doing his Ph.D. in machine learning for audio applications, which I found super fascinating, so it was a real pleasure talking to Peter and I hope you will enjoy this conversation as well.

In this interview, we spoke about:

• Our experience of having done Graham Cochrane’s Six Figure Course

• Audio programming and making plugins

• What machine learning is and how it can be used for plugins

• How to solve problems

• Why C++ is the preferred language for working with plugins and audio

• The audio framework, JUCE

• How Peter batches his work to be productive

• How feeling like an imposter can make you work harder

• Book recommendations on audio programming

Connect with Peter Dowsett:



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