Zandile Chiwanza is a self-proclaimed “budget warrior” and personal finance journalist. Although Zandile is committed to empowering newcomers to Canada with the tools they need to make sound financial decisions, her overarching message is for everyone: No matter your circumstances, financial wealth and wellness are attainable for everyone. In this episode, she joins the show to discuss the connection between money and mental health.

Listen in as Zandile explains why she does not believe in “good” or “bad” debt, as well as the importance of talking to a professional when you’re feeling overwhelmed. You will learn the benefit of surrounding yourself with people in the right mindset, common challenges faced by newcomers, and the importance of reaching out for help when you need it.

”There is a strong connection between money and mental health that we need to talk about more.” - Zandile Chiwanza

This Week on Young Money:

How Zandile discovered personal finance. The connection between money and mental health. The anxiety that can arise when feeling fearful around finances. The value of having a supportive group of people. Common challenges newcomers may face when moving to Canada. Why you do not have to face your financial woes alone. The importance of putting financial boundaries in place.

Key takeaways:

Don’t let anxiety run your life. Ask for help when needed. Surround yourself with supportive people. Communicate your concerns. Build an emergency fund.

Connect with Zandile Chiwanza:

LinkedIn Twitter Instagram Website

Resources Mentioned:

Tracey Bissett - The Money Coach for Entrepreneurs YouTube Channel EP044 Dangers of Payday Loans EP057 Bankruptcy and Consumer Proposals what does it mean with Doug Hoyes EP149 Adulting 101: How to Deal with Overwhelming Debt Levels with Taz Rajan, Bromwich + Smith EP184 Credit Canada Debt Solutions with Keith Emery EP216 How to Deal with Debt Overload with Linda Stern, Crowe Soberman 

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