If you have been listening for a while, you know that I consider financial fitness to be a journey much like physical fitness. Financial fitness falls along a spectrum—on the far left you may be starting to learn about budgeting or saving, and on the far right of the spectrum, you may be a highly sophisticated investor. For most of us though, we are somewhere between the two in this journey together.

So today, I want to revisit some of our most popular episodes of 2020, focusing on the sound advice from Michelle Jackson on building financial resilience and Taz Rajan on how to overcome overwhelming debt. In EP156 Milli Moves: How to Earn Passive Income,  Rachel Richards explained the importance of diversifying your income so you have a steady stream coming in from multiple sources. If you are looking to hear some of the best business and finance tips from our most notable guests, this is the episode for you.

“I consider financial fitness to be a journey much like physical fitness—you can be just getting off the couch to take a walk around the block or be training for a marathon.” - Tracey Bissett

This Week on Young Money:

How to overcome overwhelming debt. Why diversifying your income is important. The importance of putting yourself out there.

Key takeaways:

Do it and do it ugly! Financial fitness is a journey. Diversify your income. Take risks.

Resources Mentioned:

EP147 Building Financial Resilience During Times of Crisis with Michelle Jackson EP149 Adulting 101: How to Deal with Overwhelming Debt Levels with Taz Rajan,Bromwich + Smith EP151 Milli Moves: Financial Fitness Tips from Postsecondary Podcasters Paris Grant & Ryan Banfield EP150 The Top 3 Biz Money Mistakes to Avoid EP155 Business Pricing 101: How to Price Your Product or Service EP156 Milli Moves: How to Earn Passive Income with Rachel Richards

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