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Whether you are a caregiver now, have a parent or spouse who may need help someday, or are thinking about your own health, it's never too soon to start planning for the time when help is needed.  In this episode, I will help you organize important documents, medical information and the home and also stress the importance of planning in advance and revisiting plans that may have been put in place years ago.  I'm sharing the mistakes I made and the things I wish I would have planned for,  and educated myself about sooner so you don't make the same ones. 

Links mentioned in the episode:

Advanced Directive forms DNRMedicare & home safety assessmentsHome Safety Checklist

Where we can connect:

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Subscribe to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-life-interrupted-a-podcast-for-young-caregivers/id1578015965

Connect with Adrienne on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/younglifeinterrupted/

Follow Adrienne on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/younglifeinterrupted

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