Happy New Year (and 1 month) and welcome back!!

Your timeline is not your own and not to be compared.  In fact, in my opinion is you should take your timeline, you know that plan with those dates where you are trying to do this and that by then and...chuck it.    Why even bother having a timeline when things, in your caregiving role, change at the drop of a hat? Timelines can be just as toxic as social media when we are in a bad place or going through a rough time  - I got rid of mine so this is just a gentle reminder to get rid of yours - because you know what everyone will work out when it's meant to.
Whether you are brand new to caregiving or seasoned this episode will walk you through  some of the learning's & encouragement that things not happening on your timeline are OK.  The hope is that you can take some of these golden nuggets and apply them to your care journey - to help make things a bit easier to navigate, to help better prepare you for what's to come and most of all to help you see that you are not alone in the overwhelm, confusion and isolation you are experiencing.

Your Cliffs Notes guide to surviving (& thriving) while caregiving. Whether you're preparing to care, new to your caregiving role or a seasoned caregiver, these tips will help save you time, energy and regret throughout your care journey. This guide includes simple yet effective strategies to prepare & support you through the challenging times.

Where we can connect:

Join the Young Life Interrupted Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/younglifeinterrupted

Subscribe to the podcast: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/young-life-interrupted-a-podcast-for-young-caregivers/id1578015965

Connect with Adrienne on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/younglifeinterrupted/

Follow Adrienne on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/younglifeinterrupted