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I know Mother's Day was a hard one for many of you... I know it was for me...

Whether you still have your Mom, or a loved one who is like a Mom, but the relationship is so different because the roles have come 360 and you've now become a Mom to your Mom.

Whether your Mom is still with you but doesn't remember who you are.

Whether you've lost your Mom recently or not so recently.

Whether you're a Mom also taking care of a spouse or a loved one.

Whether you care for you Mom but have always had a strained relationship, even before she became dependent.

Whether you're a long distance caregiver for your Mom and battle the guilt about not living closer.

Holidays don't take on that overrated Hallmark feel when you're a Caregiver... they just plain suck.

In today's episode, I share some reflections of past Mother's Day's - those when my Mom was still here and the first one without her.

I also share regrets that I'm now able to look back on - things I want you to be aware of so you don't have to regret them too when your care journey has come to an end.

Where we can connect:

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Connect with Adrienne on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/younglifeinterrupted/

Follow Adrienne on Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/younglifeinterrupted

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