When you care for a loved one, one of the hardest parts of the journey is watching them transform before your eyes.   They don't look the same, they don't act the same and oftentimes you wish you could get the "old version" of them back.   

The activities and rituals that were once bonding time for the two of you no longer exist. 
The ways you would interact and connect with each other, a thing of the past.   BUT they are still here.  They are still living and breathing, and no they are not the person they used to be but instead a new version of themselves.

It's hard to embrace this "new version" but it's an absolute MUST to work towards living in the present with them versus reflecting on the past.  Though quality time looks very different, there are still ways to connect with your loved one in the time they are still here - they just look different than the ways you connected before. 

In today's episode I share one of my biggest regrets in caregiving, something I wish I would have acknowledged much sooner along with tips on ways to maintain that connection, that quality time, with your loved one that will still create lasting memories for you in the future. 

Where we can connect:

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Your Cliffs Notes guide to surviving (& thriving) while caregiving. Whether you're preparing to care, new to your caregiving role or a seasoned caregiver, these tips will help save you time, energy and regret throughout your care journey. This guide includes simple yet effective strategies to prepare & support you through the challenging times.