Episode show notes...

How can you make your life story inspire people to take action?
Everybody on the planet has a story, and some of those stories are about struggles - struggles that can either motivate you or weigh you down; but only if you let it.

If only we were all born with a silver spoon in our mouths, we wouldn’t have to experience adversities and life challenges that can send us straight to rock bottom. But we aren’t one of the privileged few, are we?

You might have a personal story that can be quite embarrassing to tell - may it be going dead broke, quitting college, or living in your car. The good news is, humans have a remarkable capacity to bounce back after problems. Whatever you’re going through right now, for sure it’s not your very first problem. You’ve had your very first and you got through it!

Now, how did that make you feel? Did it make you a stronger human being? Did it give you a sharpened perspective? I hear a resounding YES, and that’s thanks to your inherent potential to get better at resilience. We all have that ability. In our individual stories, we all have, even in the briefest time during our rock bottom days, that intense desire to bounce back.

No matter how embarrassing your struggles may have been, remember that it’s not about you. It’s about the people you can help and who will in turn, help you too, when you create a compelling story.

Let’s dive in!

In this episode you will learn...

How to turn your pain into purpose and your adversity into your advantage What makes an audience turn into raving fans How you can create a compelling story and succeed through your struggles


-> Realize that your toughest times can be the greatest inspiration for other people

-> People will relate more to your struggles than to your successes

-> If you can get good at painting pictures and sharing your toughest times, you will attract an amazing tribe that will ride or die for you


How will you take your life your life story, from rock bottom to success?