There is nothing that will make a bigger impact on your bank account and overall success than learning how to master planning. I can assure you that listening to this week’s podcast will give you the ultimate competitive advantage going into the new year.

I dive deep into what it really takes to create your best year ever. I share with you some case studies and examples on how to solidify and guarantee consistent results and progress. I am so excited to share with you 12+ years worth of research, a lot of struggle and thousands of hours of time spent creating a planning system. A system that can ensure you to have the best year ever, every single year.

How can you solidify and guarantee your best year ever? It’s all about creating habits over feeling inspired. Creating the ultimate blueprint in planning for the year ahead is the only way that I can assure you a productive 2019. I want to give you the right frame work and give you questions that you can execute based on where you’re at in your life and your business.

There are 3 opportunities that almost all entrepreneurs miss. Most entrepreneurs don’t predetermine the end result. They have ‘superman syndrome’ and try to do everything themselves. Not delegating your weaknesses to someone else, will decrease your productivity and lead to burn out.

If you are wondering how you can be more productive and make the most out of your time, create a blueprint. In this episode I will help you create the ultimate blueprint to succeed. Most who don’t succeed don’t have a blueprint on how to be massively productive throughout their days. You truly need to understand your prime time to work, and when you have the most will power. Be aware when you are working on the wrong type of activities.

Having a ‘Grass is Greener’ mentality is where most entrepreneurs can get stuck. It is so evident in personal growth now, and I certainly don’t want you to fall victim. This mentality is holding many people back. By seeking the information they need and instead of executing and taking action, they trick themselves into thinking they need more information. Where you can really take the next step is through intelligent execution, I want this year to be the year of master not overload. Intelligent execution over information overload will sky rocket you to increased productivity and success.

If you want to know how to level up throughout the year of 2019, I will share with you the exact blueprint and steps you need to take, to create your most productive year yet.

Let’s dive in!

All-In-One Time Management & Productivity Mastery Journal

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In this episode you will learn...

-> How you can create your ideal vision to crush 2019

-> Why it’s important to have compelling reasons to succeed in your life and business

-> The exact blueprint that will lead to your most productive and successful year yet

-> How to have the most competitive advantage coming into the new year


-> "Habits trump inspiration"

-> "A smart person learns from their mistakes, as all successful people do - Those wanting world class results, learn from other people’s mistakes - cut their learning curve in half"

-> "There’s no such thing as overnight success, this is your year of consistency and mastery"


What are your biggest breakthroughs and how do you plan on maximizing the new year?