Are you feeling overwhelmed? Find yourself worrying too often? 

The 'Brain dump’ exercise helps you reach a peak state of mind by simplifying your life and business. Learn the exact steps that let you become more creative, resourceful, and increase your mental clarity overall.

In today’s episode, Peter Voogd shares exactly how this exercise got him hooked on productivity! Be prepared for a new level of accomplishment and get excited to take action on your goals today.


In this episode, you will learn . . .

The importance of writing down your thoughts on paper What you're doing to delegate What you need to delete How to schedule tasks How to take action today The worry list



Perform brain dump ritual Shut off devices Have only notepad and pen Capture what’s on your mind and write everything down
Tasks, projects, etc Put in 1 of those categories Repeat this challenge in the next 30-60 days



What's been your breakthrough with the 'brain dump' exercise? Share with us in the comments below...