Is it your goal to create your own success story as an online entrepreneur? Are you willing to put in the hard work and long hours, but need advice on how to use your time most effectively? Not sure how to determine where your focus and energy would be used to best purpose.

Stop wasting your efforts in a range of diverse activities. Learn the secrets of why visualization, networking, and meditation can be the most vital tools you have when building your legacy, and discover how creating a mental picture of what you want is key to achieving your goals.

In today’s episode we continue our discussion with Joel Brown of Addicted2Success about the habits and techniques that will be most effective in helping you visualize, and then actualize, the success you have been dreaming about. Listen in and learn the techniques that elite performers use to put themselves ahead of the pack.

In this episode, you will learn . . .

The importance of Mastery To focus on visualization, not vision boards Why true happiness is impossible without constant progress How mental toughness and resilience are built

Links & Resources Mentioned in this Episode...


Tony Robbins

Rory Vaden

Peter Diamandis




Gamechanger's Academy


Connect with Joel Brown:







"When I first started I wanted to do four or five things at once, but what happens is you become mediocre in all of them" - Joel Brown

"Knowledge is nothing unless it’s executed on" - - Joel Brown

"Happiness resides in progress" - Joel Brown

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