Welcome to a new episode of the Young Creators Behind the Product podcast. In this episode, I had the pleasure of having Job van der Voort in the studio. Job is the founder and CEO of Remote, a company that makes it easy to build your team anywhere in the world. Before that, he was an early employee and the VP of Product at the billion-dollar open-source giant Gitlab. 

In this episode, we cover a wide range of topics. We find out which challenges you face when you’re part of the early team at a fast-growing company like Gitlab and why hiring is among the most difficult. We hear about the most important lessons that Job learned along the way from Gitlab founder and CEO Sytse Sijbrandij. We also get a sneak peek into product development at Remote and learn why Job keeps his product development horizons as short as possible and avoids processes.

I hope you will enjoy this episode as much as I did! 


Remote work podcast - https://www.remoteworkpodcast.com/

Gitlab handbook - https://about.gitlab.com/handbook/

Remote - Remote.com

Focusmate - focusmate.com