Evan Uyetake sits down with Raise Your Inner Game author David Levin to discuss his book and how you can use it's framework to be more present and focused in life.

In 1992, David Levin was a struggling singer-songwriter whose career (and life) were going nowhere. But then he had a strange and illuminating experience that totally changed the arc of his life. Four albums, five books, and twenty-nine years of happy marriage later, he’s condensed what he’s learned into a simple, practical guide for how to be stronger, mentally and emotionally, so that you can do your best work and live a life you’re proud of every day.

David is the co-author (with John G. Miller) of the million-selling book QBQ! The Question Behind the Question, the author of Don’t Just Talk, Be Heard! and the creator of the Focused! Every Day training program. He is also an award-winning songwriter and recording artist and lives happily ever after in Viroqua, Wisconsin, with his wife and their two children.

To learn more about David
Twitter: @fromdavidlevin/
Facebook: /authordavidlevin
Instagram: @authordavidlevin

To learn more about The Young Businessmen of Tulsa:
Facebook: /YBTOklahoma
Twitter: @ybTulsaOK
LinkedIn: Young Businessmen of Tulsa
Website: www.ybtok.com

To connect with Evan Uyetake
twitter: @utalkie
instagram: @utalkie
LinkedIn: /evanuyetake
email: [email protected]

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