Ryan is an entrepreneur and a stage 4 cancer survivor. At age 35 with zero prior medical history, he was diagnosed with stage 4 advanced lymphoma cancer. The medical community said there was no cure. They told him he had a better chance of dying from the chemo in the first 6 months than he did from the cancer. The outlook was grim but Ryan chose to believe otherwise. He chose an alternative path to healing. Today, just 14 months after diagnosis he is cancer free.

To learn more about Ryan Luelf
Facebook: /ryansadventure/
Facebook: /doyouownyourlife
Website: theyololifeblog.com/

To learn more about The Young Businessmen of Tulsa:
Facebook: /YBTOklahoma
Twitter: @ybTulsaOK
LinkedIn: Young Businessmen of Tulsa
Website: www.ybtok.com

To connect with Evan Uyetake
twitter: @utalkie
instagram: @utalkie
LinkedIn: /evanuyetake
email: [email protected]

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