In this episode we interview a parent about the experience for the family when a young athlete is injured for an extended period.

When your young athlete gets injured the impact is not just on the athlete, the whole family is impacted.  Last show we had the excellent Dr Etienne Du Preez and following on from this, I was keen to interview a parent to share their experience and insights. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, there are plenty of times we wish we had it - hopefully you, or someone you know can benefit from today’s show and this parent’s experience and insight.   Throughout their childhood, it is never fun when a your kids get sick or injured. As parents you can ride every bump and scrape and the various coughs, colds and infections they get as they grow up.  When they get injured playing or training in the sport that they love doing, it can be a very tough time for everyone. Not just the injured athlete, the family can very much ride the highs and lows as well.   Here's what we discuss in this episode:   History of evolution of the low back stress fracture in their young athlete How they felt as parents when the diagnosis was initially confirmed The surprise on reflection, about an injury that really snuck up on the athlete and the family The difficulty in initially reconciling the seriousness of the injury as it developed over time The importance of listening to your young athlete if they are consistently reporting pain or dysfunction A parent's regret in hindsight Low back stress fractures are a really common injury The importance in thinking about "training load" Keep in mind how much, how hard, how often your young athletes are exercising All activity needs to be logged and recorded How tough the whole family found it, in the initial stages where their young athlete couldn't train or play  The issues they saw around socialisation, school work and academic progress during the period of injury The mental side of injury management, is just as important and the physical side Post injury what changes The emphasis on what you CAN do in rehab, as opposed to what you CAN'T How beneficial it is to treat a young athlete like a professional athlete The improvements they have seen in their young athlete, in terms of resilience If they had their time again, what would they do differently The importance of making a formal plan and structure for young athletes when they are injured



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